New PR Visa _Subclass 851 Resolution of Status
Meet the visa requirement
To make a valid application for a Resolution of Status visa, you must be a holder (or former holder, and your visa was not cancelled) of one of the below visas:
- Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785) – and you first arrived in Australia before 14 February 2023
- Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790) – and you first arrived in Australia before 14 February 2023
From 14 February 2023, TPV and SHEV holders who held their TPV or SHEV before this date are eligible to apply for a RoS visa, once the relevant application bar has been lifted. Most TPV and SHEV holders will be able to apply online from late March 2023 (details on how to apply will be available on this website).
People who have submitted a TPV or SHEV application prior to 14 February 2023 that has not been finally determined, including any subsequent TPV or SHEV application, will have their existing application automatically converted to a RoS visa application.
If you currently hold a bridging visa and you made a valid application for a TPV or SHEV before 14 February 2023, your TPV or SHEV application will be converted to a Resolution of Status visa application if you are found to satisfy the requirements for the grant of a TPV or SHEV.
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